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Benchgraph: Your Performance - Measuring Suite

On your hardware, on your workload, and under conditions that matter to you. Easily evaluate Memgraph's performance and assess it for your specific needs.

Memgraph is built for speed

Written in C++, the superfast performance lets you display results instantly, even with massive datasets and complex queries. We use all the recent hardware advances, such as multi-core lockless memory access to make it as fast as possible.

Introducing Benchgraph - our speed-measuring suite

We've meticulously compared Memgraph to graph databases like Neo4j, using globally recognized data sets for true vendor neutrality. Benchgraph covers CPU and memory usage, query execution times, and behavior in diverse read/write scenarios. The highlights? Memgraph delivers astonishing performance in key situations.

Run Benchgraph on your own workload

We're confident in Memgraph's performance, and we invite you to experience it firsthand. That's why we've open-sourced Benchgraph so that you can run it with your own data and queries. Let's see how Memgraph behaves under your unique workload and conditions.
Migration guide

How to migrate from Neo4j to Memgraph

This tutorial will teach you how to migrate from Neo4j to Memgraph by using an APOC procedure and Memgraph's LOAD CSV clause.
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